Wednesday, March 31, 2010


You cannot hold me fleckless for my failure to keep abreast of my blog; but, on the other hand, any criticism to that effect will be perceived invidiously.

Is not this, indiscretion, only a minor faux pas? Or are you of the mind that you have heard enough of my mendacious ranting?

How am I doing? Have you had to scurry to look up any of the above words via your online dictionary?

My hope is that you have not just turned away and said, "What a pompous A@#." I assure that it this little bit of word play is all in fun!

For those of you who may not have bothered to look up the definitions:

1 Fleckless - Without spot or blame. E.G., my conscience will not count me feckless.

2 Invidious - Tending to arouse ill will.

3 Faux pas - a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion.

4 Mendacious - given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth

Or, for those others of you for whom there was no need to look up any of the above; you win my highest praise, respect and envy.

Now, to get to the point of my "time off" from the blog writing scene; after being gone for a month, there was, of course, a lot to catch up on, as far as general home maintenance and bills to pay. I, of course, paid most of the bills ahead of time to assure that there would not be any major problems, but (ahem) - I missed a few!

My plans are unchanged and I still fully intend to - return to New Orleans to "rescue" my Harley and continue on the way to Panama via the Baha Peninsula of Mexico; but if things don't come together, those plans may be delayed until mid-April or even later.

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