Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Salute to the King

After leaving Corinth I made sure that the day did not end uneventfully.

My gas gauge quit working about a week ago. It's difficult to guess at the mileage your getting when your driving at 60 miles per hour one minute and 80 per hour the next. Okay, your right, the plain and simply fact is - I screwed up and ran out of gas.

Personally I think that Harley Davidson made a big mistake when they got rid of the reserve gas tank. It used to be that you could run your bike until it ran out of gas, and then flip over to reserve and drive the nearest gas station without incident. Now, however, if your gas gauge decides not perform its assigned task, your in real bad shape.
Lucky for me, one Josh Rupert, a young Army Reservist, happened along and drove me into town where we filled four Coke bottles with gas and returned to rescue the Harley (Thanks Josh!).

The next day, with some difficulty, I found Tupelo's claim to fame, the birthplace of "the King" - Elvis Presley.

Elvis and his twin brother (Jesse Garon, who died at birth) were born at home in a 12' x 30', two room house built by Elvis's Father, Vernon and Uncle Vester. The 360 square foot house, still rest on the original landscape and there is a small museum, gift shop and chapel built by fan donations to honor his Gospel and religious roots.

Elvis only lived in Tupelo for about 13 years before moving to Memphis in 1948. The city of Tupelo bought the home with money from a concert where Elvis himself performed. Long "live"
the King!

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