Saturday, August 28, 2010

Seward Alaska

Sea Lions and Birds of Resurrection Bay

The morning was clear and slightly overcast (kind of an A-typical day of late), but by noon I found myself once again begrudgingly donning the rain gear and riding through a cold 55 degree mist.  It was still raining when arrived in Seward an hour later.

A fair size community by Alaskan standards, Seward has a population of 3016 year-around residents that jumps dramatically in the summer when Seward becomes a main stop on the Alaskan circuit.

The "Spires" of Resurrection Bay
The main attraction is, of course, the Resurrection Bay and the associated: fishing, humpback and orca whale watching, sea lions, eagle and bird watching; together with the camping and hiking in the nearby (less than ten miles) Exit Glacier and the trail to the Harding Icefields, there is no shortage of things to do and see in Seward.
           Kenai Fjords National Park - Bear 


The small tourist ship (100 passengers) I took was affordable, fun and featured an all you can eat prime-rib buffet.  Although no whales were sighted, we did see eagles, mountain goats, stellar sea lions and puffins and other birds.

Before leaving Seward I hiked the short trail to Exit Glacier.  A barrier blocked the trail leading to the edge of the glacier, but it looked to be safe and appeared to lead to the very edge of the glacier.
Exit Glacier

Seeing no park rangers in the vicinity I decided to slip through the barrier and walk down to the glacier's edge.

I touched the glacier and verified that it was indeed ice, but resisted the strong temptation to walk on the glacier itself.  Thinking that - in the unlikely event that I would slip on the ice and somehow injured myself - I would be in real trouble, I returned back to where I belonged; only to be confronted by park ranger.

Blue ice viewed from - Up Close and Personal
He asked in a voice loud enough to be heard by the other tourists standing nearby, "What are you doing crossing the barrier and going into the secured area?"

"I just wanted to get closer to the glacier," I replied".

"Do you also want to pay a $5,000 fine and spend six months in jail?" he asked.

"No, I didn't read the penalty," I replied.

Now lowering his voice he said, "That's alright, I like to break the rules myself - I just had to say something for the benefit of the others who saw you."  "Just be careful."  Park rangers are real people too!

View From the Edge of the Icefield
As I thanked him and departed, he spoke to the crowd and said in a loud voice, "I guess I got him straightened out;" and turned back too me with a smile!    

I spent 3 days in Seward and could have easily spent more.  It's a casual town that hosts a friendly easy going environment - it's hard not to like Seward Alaska.


  1. Thanks to my old friend KD for joining my followers. Drop me an email if you have an opportunity (I've lost your email address).

  2. Thanks to my ole friend KD for joining my followers. Drop me an email if you have an opportunity (I've lost your email address).
