Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Shortest Day

Barry led the riders from Big River to Cowan Lake where they rode the lake for several miles before completing the crossing. From that point on the trail took a turn for the worst with the trails running from thin to completely bare. After five hours of making-do as best they could they arrived at Meadow Lake, where the decision was make to load the snowmobiles on the trailers and complete the journey to Cold Lake via the highway.

Even though not all of the riders were happy with the decision to abort the remainder of the days ride; they all agreed that they trail conditions where tearing up the snowmobiles and, therefore, posed a threat to being able to complete the rest of the mission to Tok, Alaska.

Although Cold Lake only has a population of just under 13,000 people it is vary impressive community with the appearance of having a healthy dose of affluence. As anticipated the snow conditions where not any better Cold Lake, Alberta, than they had been in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan; and the decision was made that, the next day, they would trailer the entire distance from Cold Lake to Athabasca, Alberta.

I understand the reasoning, but even so, it seems to take away somewhat from their intended goal of snowmobiling "all the way" from the Sault Saint Marie, Michigan to Tok, Alaska.

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